
Procrastination is the fear of success.People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now.Because success is heavy,carries a responsibility with it,it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the “Someday I’ll” philosophy,which of course ,is a misnomer.Sometimes procrastination is brought on by a lack of information.If you expect yourself to do a task without having the necessary knowledge,even the most routine task can become overwhelming.Being organized can make any task more palatable and run more smoothly.Oftentimes people can convince themselves that a task is critical when it isn’t. “Your attitude,not your aptitude,will determine your altitude.” If you frequently find yourself having difficulty saying “no!” and procrastinate as a result,learn how to set limits and boundaries.

About tajudeenbakare

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3 Responses to Procrastination.

  1. Pingback: Procrastination and friends | J. Keller Ford ~ YA Fantasy Author

  2. Pingback: Procrastination is a dirty word…or is it? | Sarah's Academic Wonderings

  3. Sarah Sloan says:

    I really enjoyed your post. I found your article so good that I linked to it in my article “Procrastination is a dirty word…or is it?” where I talk about how procrastination can improve the quality of your work.

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